Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 321 - Yelling at Trees

During the sermon at church, the pastor mentioned a unique practice for logging trees in the Solomon Island.  It seemed that some villagers practiced this on those trees that were to large to ax down.  Intrigued, I did what the average parishioner would do and looked it up on the web (during the sermon).  And there it was "Yelling at Trees".  So if it was on the internet an our pastor said it, it must be true.

In a nut shell, the practice is, that early in the morning a group of men would go out to a tree that was to large to cut down.  They would begin to yell at the tree and say very negative things (curse) to the tree.  They would do this for 30 days in a row, then after that the tree would die.  The villagers believed that this practice would kill the life's spirit of the tree.

Now it seems silly to yell at a tree:

All images are taken with the EOS-M w/EF-M 22mm  @ Aperture Priority set to f/3.5
to see if it would collapse and die.  But don't we yell at computers if they don't do what we want; or at a car they might cut us off; or at something that you kick with your barefoot?  But what happens when a loved one does something that anger's us?  What about a spouse that doesn't do what we want them to do, or a friend?  How about the unforgiveness  that we might harbor for perceived wrongs that were done to us?  Those negative thoughts and words we may use?  

Maybe those villagers were on to something.  Maybe they new the power of negative thoughts and words and how the can kill the life's spirit.  So it makes one wonder how many trees we have fallen with our thoughts and word?

Now on the lighter side: 

Here are a couple of more images from today's walk:

Thanks for stopping by


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